
Today's CHF/EUR exchange rate in real time

Today 1 Swiss Franc is worth 1.0185 Euro
CHF/EUR = 1.0185
0.0000 ( 0%)

01:28 - Streaming data
Previous close (27/04/2024 time 23:55): 1.0185

Trend Chart Swiss Franc / Euro

Historical exchange rate data Swiss Franc / Euro

Day Month Year
Today's maximum: 1.0190 Monthly Maximum: 1.0291 Yearly Maximum: 1.0723
Today's minimum: 1.0184 Monthly Minimum: 1.0147 Annual Minimum: 1.0147
Today's average rate: 1.0185 Average rate this month: 1.0214 Average annual rate: 1.0428

Master data of Swiss Franc

Instrument Currency
Currency EUR
Market Instrument type
FX Euro Exchange 

Conversion Swiss Franc / Euro

Today 1 Swiss Franc is worth 1.0185 Euro. In the table below you will find the conversions of some sums of money, updated in real time, to give you a better idea of the value of the Swiss Franc and its relationship to Euro. If you are interested in knowing the equivalent value in Euro of a more specific amount, you can use our currency converter CHF/EUR. You can also use the form to change your Swiss Franc to Euro immediately with our currency exchange service: just click 'Change now' and register with on the next screen. This is how our service works.

Convert Swiss Franc to Euro

5.00 CHF 5.09 EUR
10.00 CHF 10.19 EUR
25.00 CHF 25.46 EUR
50.00 CHF 50.93 EUR
100.00 CHF 101.85 EUR
500.00 CHF 509.25 EUR
1'000.00 CHF 1'018.50 EUR
5000.00 CHF 5'092.50 EUR
10'000.00 CHF 10'185.00 EUR
50'000.00 CHF 50'925.00 EUR
100'000.00 CHF 101'850.00 EUR

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